I've often download my manga collection from many website, put it down on a folder to sort it out later. As time goes by, suddenly that folder already filled up with about a hundred files with different naming convention. So i just let it be, and now its to late for me to gather a will to sort it out. So instead I'm making this utility to do that for me, and i called it Bunglon File Renamer *yeah the name is lame, but what ever :P*
Basically its got 3 panel. Remover panel, Incremental Renamer, and Counter.
The Remover panel got three button, Remover, Move and Add Mapping. The remover button is usefull for removing that dl number like 140950-Ares_v14_c098-kmts.rar to Ares_v14_c098-kmts.rar (you know where i get such a naming from right :P). While Add mapping button, will add a catalog that maps a key string to a folder you want. After adding the list to your catalog, just select all of the files in a folder, and then click the move button. It will move that file into the appropriate folder.
The incremental renamer will rename a list a file into a prefix+counter, note that the exetension name will be the same. So if you rename aa.jpg , a1224.jpg with prefix "reunian" you will get, reunian01.jpg and reunian02.jpg
The counter panel means to count a list of file, to know if there's a file missing in that list of files. To bad i haven't implement it yet :P
You can download-it from sendspace And thanks to that amazing SimpleXML library its only 403KB. Note that you need jre 5.0 installed on your sistem. And if its show some exception for the first time. Just close the application and start it again. It will automatically create the files that couldn't be found for the first time.
Well have fun :D
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