
Sunday, May 4, 2008


morning sunshine
how are you today
don't get cranky
cause today might be one of those days.

walking past everyone
with head held up high
loving everybody like brother and sister
yeah its you and me baby
the last two cool people in the world

cause everybody dies, and become zombies
talking wars and money
and forget the only one thing that matters in this life
that we are cool
we are happy
smiling wide and never lonely
while see the world and never lose hope
cause we the last two cool people in this world

bye bye sunshine and hello moonlight
the time is up
back to home but couldn't sleep
the pace has slowed, but still ...

no body listening, no body watching
it just you and me
but we didn't lose our cool
yet we laugh together and invite the stars
to join our celebration
of the night walk with the cricket symphony

cause everybody sleep, and leave this world
and forget the only one thing that matters in this life
that we are cool
we are happy
smiling wide and never lonely
while see the world and never lose hope
cause we the last two cool people in this world

now if only someone could writhe the music :)

airen aida nur

One of those night.

The one when i got home really2 tired. Morning through the evening, all of the activity. Changed my clothes, hit the bed, and left the earth.

Woke up in the middle of the night, and couldn't close my eyes till morning comes. Great, i guess to kill time, I'll just write everything that comes up in my mind.


Two weeks ago, my peer has become a father (Congrats again di :) ). One week before the baby girl is born, he come up to us (his colleague around the desk) and asks us if we have any idea for the baby girl name. We came up with lots of crazy idea like Oriza Sativa ....di, Nana Miyabi ....di, Eceng Gondok Sejahtera (okay the last one sound more like a company name than a child name, a crazy company name if i may say so :P), etc. Instead of helping , we have one of the most fun time in the office for the last couple of months :D. And luckily none of the name got through, because even though the name rhyme with his last name. No parent is crazy enough to name his daughter like that :P

The name fiasco already past, the girl has her name, a well deserved one :). But between those day and today i come up with a name, but didn't manage to tell about it.

Its, Airen Aida Nur.

Aida means Atas Ikhtiar dan Asa, roughly translated to hope with lots effort and hardwork. Nur means cahaya, light. So, aida nur can be translated to a light of hope. I guess its a pretty good name, especially for us that think that a name is equal to a prayer. And a baby girl will be happy with this kind of name :)

What about airen ? Well, i put it because it rhyme with the rest, we'll think some meaning for it later :P

What's wrong with Telkomsel

Sudah dua hari ini gw kelimpungan, aplikasi gw gak bisa running di hp k750. Ngeliat error-nya gak ngerti. Udah coba retrace dari awal lagi. Sepertinya gak ada yang salah. Gw coba di jalanin di n6120 classic jalan baik aja. Stree, frustasi akhirnya give up.

Tadi pagi baru tahu sepertinya yang bermasalah telkomselnya, tiap request gprs untuk alamat2 yang 'kurang dikenal' di redirect. God, please. Udah begitu banyak masalah didunia saat ini, Global Warming, Krisis Pangan, harga BBM. Gak perlu di tambah masalah yang gak penting kayak gini.

Screw you T-Sel.

Setelah 1 minggu akhirnya bisa. Mungkin karena masalah dns di T-Sel, mungkin terjadi perubahan sehingga resolvenya belum ke refresh. Untung gak pake deadline-deadline-an jadi dengan sabar menunggu aja bisa selesai masalahnya.