
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tapestry 5 and Quartz

Using Quartz with tapestry is pretty easy , thanks to the ChenilleKit project. By following the guide in the chenillekit-quartz project you can use quartz to schedule jobs in your application. But in my case, i need to modify the example a little to make it work.

in the Bundle class :

    private void createBundle() {
        try {
            trigger =  new CronTrigger("myCronTrigger", "CronTriggerGroup", "0 42 7/1 ? * *");
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        jobDetail = new JobDetail("myJob", null, CrawlingJob.class);
        jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("crawlingJob", crawlingJob);
        jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("crawler", crawler);

I'm adding the job (crawlingJob) and the actual services (crawler) into the job data map. So in the Job class :

    public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
        System.out.println("Execute job Scheduled Crawler at : " + new Date());
        Crawler crawler = (Crawler) context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().get("crawler");
we only need to extract the service class from the context and then execute the real method. As simple as that. And the AFAIK the minimum library you need to include to make it work is :
  • chenillekit-quartz-1.0.2.jar
  • commons-codec-1.4.jar
  • commons-collections-3.1.jar
  • quartz-all-1.6.5.jar

Monday, April 19, 2010

Using block to invoke client Javascript code in Tapestry 5

In my previous post  I've been able to create a self updating tapestry zone.But its only halfway of what i want to do. Although I already give 2 button to start and stop the timer, i want it to be more automatic.Simply said, the server need to send a response that will trigger the stopTimer js function when the crawling process is finished.

To do this I'm using 2 block. The first block contain the regular content that will be returned from the server. While the second block contains the content and an embedded javascript that will invoke the stopTimer function in the client browser. This is the changes I made to my previous post.

The Code

Template Code :
        <t:zone t:id="infoZone" t:update="show">   
        <t:block id="info">
            Updating Message ....
            <p t:type="OutputRaw" t:value="${message}">
                Text Output

        <t:block id="infoWithScript">
            Update Stopped
            <p t:type="OutputRaw" t:value="${message}">
                Text Output
            <script type="text/javascript">

    <a t:type="actionlink" t:id="crawl" href="#">Start Crawl</a> &nbsp;

In the template code I'm adding the two block named "info" and "infoWithScript". The block will not be rendered by default. And also I added another actionlink that will change the state in the server and start the crawling process.

Changes in java code :
    private Block _info;
    private Block _infoWithScript;

    Object onActionFromRefreshZone() {
        if(crawler.getCrawlStatus() == Crawler.CRAWL_STARTED) {
        if(crawler.getCrawlStatus() == Crawler.CRAWL_END) {
            return _infoWithScript;
        return _info;

    void onActionFromCrawl() {

    public String getMessage() {
        return ProgressNotifier.getMessage();

In the java code we add the two block that will be return by onActionFromRefrezhZone. This method will check if the crawl status in our services class is changed to started, then it will execute update data (the method that will invoke the real process and add messages to the ProgressNotifier).

At the end of the updateData method, the crawl status will be set to CRAWL_END. So the onActionFromRefreshZone will return the block that contain the embedded js to turn off the timer. And return the status to the original CRAWL_IDLE state.

Nothing changes in the client js script.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Ajax Zone with Interval in Tapestry 5

I'm planning to create a zone that will keep requesting data from the server at certain interval. Seems simple enough to do in Tapestry 5 right ?

But because of my lack of understanding about Ajax and Javascript concept, I've venture to many place to make it. ZoneUpdate, Progressive Display is a few things that i look a bit deep. Trying to understand their inner work, just to find out in which part could I add this simple code.

After a day struggling, i found out that my original idea work just fine. Yeah when its about web, ajax and javascript, I SUCKS ! BIG TIME !

So here's the code to make it work, so no other newbie would get lost like I Do.

The Code

I'm using the sample code from Zone Component in Tapestry 5.
Here's the template page :

<h1> Crawl Ajax </h1>
<h2> Timer Zone </h2>
    <div style="margin-left: 50px">
        <t:zone t:id="time2zone">
            time2:  ${time2}

        <a t:type="actionlink" t:id="refreshZone" href="#"
            t:zone="time2zone">Refresh time2 </a>

    <input type="button" onclick="startTimer()" value="Start Timer" /> <br/>   
    <input type="button" onclick="stopTimer()" value="Stop Timer" /> <br/>   


Here's the java class code :

    private Zone _time2Zone;

    // The code
    void onActionFromRefreshPage() {
        // Nothing to do - the page will call getTime1() and getTime2() as it renders.

    // Isn't called if the link is clicked before the DOM is fully loaded. See
    // .
    Object onActionFromRefreshZone() {
        // Here we can do whatever updates we want, then return the content we want rendered.
        return _time2Zone.getBody();

    public Date getTime2() {
        return new Date();
    Object onChangeOfTimerZone() {
        return _time2Zone.getBody();

And finally, Here's the Java Script code :

<script type="text/javascript">

var timerId;
var linkId='refreshZone';

function updateMyZone() {
    alert("Update Zone!" + linkId);
    var actionLink = $(linkId);
    Tapestry.findZoneManager( actionLink ).updateFromURL( actionLink.href );

function startTimer() {
    timerId = window.setInterval('updateMyZone()', 2000);

function stopTimer() {
    clearInterval (timerId);

As you can see i only add 2 input button to start and stop the timer. The button will invoke the javascript function that uses setInterval that will invoke updateMyZone every 2 second. The updateMyZone will emulate the actionLink behaviour to update the zone.

Bleah its 10+ line of code and it took me the whole day. *still angry and ashamed with my self*


It happened again !

Okay, some reminder for the future. I don't know how many simple tapestry project I've made, but definitely more than a few. Yet i keep falling into the same hole. I keep missing some minor detail when creating a new project. And this time I'm facing a weird problem.

My project run fine in my development environment (eclipse WTP, tomcat, windows). But when ever i deploy it to my linux server. The page didn't show , it keep getting exception :

Page xxx did not generate any markup when rendered. This could be because its template file could not be located, or because a render phase method in the page prevented rendering.
 First I thought it was Case Sensitive problem. The name of the template (.tml) didn't match up to the class page. Although tapestry is case insensitive in many other things unfortunately this is something that T5 couldn't control. To bad that wasn't the problem :(

And then when i try to rebuild my project, clean, rebuild the class, and refreshing the project tree on eclipse explorer. You need to refresh the tree to make sure new/old/deleted file in the project will be the same with the wtp tomcat temp folder. The temp folder usually located in :
 After rebuilding I found out that my local project also has the same problem, so it isn't about case sensitive. It turn out the source of my problem is this :

<html xmlns:t="">
while the correct one is :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns:t="">
Tapestry 5 could be very strict about this stuff, and no IDE support for Tapestry 5 certainly didn't help :( There are times when i build the html page from scratch just to test simple case, i forgot to ade the xmlns and Tapestry would just sprout some error.

It's a great framework no doubt. Years in front of its competitor. But it has its own perks *meh* Hope this can be a gentle reminder for me in the future.