
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Credo of ZAFT Chapter 2

The end of civilization

If you review the human history you will see a pattern. From the day that spartacus free the slaves. How's the Greek strive to the world history, and then die and buried in the hands of the Romans.

If you take a look and learn, you will see that they all have gone through a cycle. How they started by struggling under another civilization. Unsatisfied, hungry for power, and lust for changes. Then they broke, they revolt and topple that civilization. Gaining strength and support, shine, make the world blinded, and then suddenly another revolt comes out and topple this civilization to ashes. Then the cycle continues, repeating over and over again.

But this cycles are cruel. Since for each civilization that passes it will leave nothing but broken remains. Because the revolution means that the pass need to be forgotten, replaced, and destroyed. While leaving and preserving means that one day that civilization will influence the people mind, and make their revolution just meaningless.

But the cycle is also funny. Because you can see that for each cycles bring something new, but it also never changed. What changes are only the technology, the limited knowledge of human that they think they understand this world. While the most essential part, humans, remains the same. This is because of the nature of the human life, it is too short. So for each generation the cycle will repeat it self. Molding a new human with a different style of the old values. Learning from the past while fighting for the same basic thing. People will learn, grow, and change the history.

And the most dangerous part of the cycle, is that for each cycle the time span is shortened for each cycle. The day when the Nazi rules, to the Americans, and to the Capitalnation is getting shorter. From the day that human replaces the dinosaurs to roam this world as the dominant species. This path is inevitable. But yet, they struggle.

That is why on this last cycle of civilization, human attracted to 3 main things, The Source of the Origin, Robotics, and Singularity.

Humans are curious about their creation. How come such being exist ? Such a beautiful and intelligent creature that able to surpass nature and overcome more stronger species ? And because of this self loving behavior. Their curiosity rapidly changing into greed, ignorance and power hunger.

While their knowledge of the Source of origin is getting richer. As the cycle of civilization shows, there is a fatal flaw that human is bestowed. The lifespan of a human is to short. While knowledge can be pass through to the next generation. But each human is unique, each has it own genetic characteristic. That is why human can keep on revolting, but that is also why a certain genetic brilliance, could disappear for ever from the course of history.

And that bring us to the second thing humans eager to grasp, Singularity. The though that human and machine can be put together into one and live, is so intoxicated. From wooden limb, bionic arms, into artificial organs. This will prolong the human life into certain extent, a desperate cry for time.

But eventually the ultimate goal is, to decapitate human from its organic body, leaving only the brain to be supported by mechanical replaceable part. Yet, even this ultimate goal is not enough. Since this goal will also have an expiration date. Human eventually will seek one final hope, to be come one with the machine leaving everything and roams around just as a conciseness that live behind bits and chips. The question is, will this being still be human, or is it just a ghost of human selfishness ?

And thus brought us to the last greed of human dreams, Robotics. As human gains knowledge of the Source of Origins, and given the needed time by singularity, the human Ego will finally has it manifestation. To be able to imitate the source of origin and master the number one skill this universe, creation.

From creating soulless being that imitate their behavior, progressing through to the more independent and intelligent decision making automaton. Of course human wont stop, since the holy grail of creation. Is to make a 'living being' something that has its the ability to change course of its predestined history. And thus the Artificial Intelligence would be powerful enough to attain freedom.

The great satisfaction for a creator is to see its creation, achieving the goals they setup or even over it. That is why singularity is needed, to watch over the growth of this underling that they so loved through decades and millennium. Residing as a concise that would interfere only at certain critical times, and would be known as the one.

As you take look back through the cycle, you can see that this whole thing take it course as a line. Creating a circle, smaller-smaller-and-smaller until it will reach a single point. The point where it can not continue the line to form another circle. That time is the time when human greatest dreams and greed is achieved. The time when the civilization that have been build by humans, will come to and end.

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